Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation opposes “Yukon North” proposal of the Electoral District Boundaries Commission

August 23, 2024
Old Crow, Yukon

Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation (“VGFN”) is opposed to the proposal of the Electoral District Boundaries Commission (“Commission”) to merge the Vuntut Gwitchin and Klondike electoral districts to form a single electoral district to be called “Yukon North” that includes the communities of Dawson, Dawson area, and Old Crow.

The Vuntut Gwitchin electoral district was created in 1978 due to “special circumstances” including that the area is sparsely populated, is the most remote and least accessible district in the Yukon, and is distinct in language, culture, geography and lifestyle. Since the creation of the electoral district, Vuntut Gwitchin electors and representative members in the Yukon legislature have made immense and lasting contributions to the political, social, economic and cultural development of the territory, including the achievements of greater local autonomy and responsible self-government for Yukoners and Yukon First Nations alike.

While apparently aiming to correct a perceived significant overrepresentation of Vuntut Gwitchin electors, the Commission’s proposal incorrectly and unreasonably departs from the longstanding recognition and consideration within the Yukon of the specific set of “special circumstances” of the Vuntut Gwitchin district and would create a circumstance of significant underrepresentation which should not be tolerated and cannot be justified. 

VGFN also has serious and legitimate concerns with the Yukon’s Elections Act including its provisions related to the review process for electrical district boundaries. The entire legislative framework underpinning the Commission’s review process and the 2024 Interim Report is severely outdated and was developed without consultation and collaboration with Yukon First Nations, including VGFN, despite the significant impacts of the law. As a result, the Commission’s membership, function and considerations are flawed and not representative of Yukon First Nation and rural perspectives.

VGFN urges the Commission to maintain the historic Vuntut Gwitchin district to ensure the continued effective representation of all Vuntut Gwitchin electors who are VGFN citizens residing within the VGFN Traditional Territory, and to protect and promote their fundamental rights within the Yukon. Further, VGFN is calling for a halt to the Commission’s current review process until the Elections Act can be collaboratively reviewed and modernized together with affected Yukon First Nations, including VGFN.


Despite assertions made by the Commission that seek to diminish the uniqueness of the circumstances experienced in our rural district, Vuntut Gwitchin electors must continue to experience it as our daily reality, including through a lack of access to essential programs and services. On behalf of the Council of the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation, I echo the significant concerns that many Vuntut Gwitchin electors have raised directly with the Commission regarding their proposal to eliminate the Vuntut Gwitchin electoral district.

The Commission’s proposal represents a major step backwards in the progressive evolution of democracy in the Yukon. Not only does it further entrench the significant imbalance in investment in urban vs. rural Yukon as the status quo, it will also act as a significant barrier to Vuntut Gwitchin district electors fully participating within the political life of the Yukon.

—Chief Pauline Frost, Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation

Media Contacts
Gyde Shepherd

Communications Manager
Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation

(613) 804-4273

  • The Electoral District Boundaries Commission (Commission) is required by the Elections Act to review the existing electoral districts and to make proposals to the Legislative Assembly as to the boundaries, number, and names of the electoral districts of the Yukon. 
  • On May 9 2024, the Commission released an Interim report with a number of recommendations including a recommendation that Vuntut Gwitchin is merged with Klondike to form a single electoral district that includes the communities of Dawson, Dawson area, and Old Crow.
  • On June 17 2024, the Commission held a public hearing regarding the recommendations within the Interim report in Old Crow.
  • On August 1 2024, the General Assembly of the Council of Yukon First Nations passed a resolution demanding that the Interim report proposals be rejected. 
  • On August 8 2024, Council of the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation passed a resolution opposing the recommendation of the Commission and directing participation in engagement being conducted by the Commission. 
VGFN Submission in Response to Electoral District Boundaries Commission 2024 Interim Report - August 23, 2024

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