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2020 General Assembly Resolutions
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1. Youth Enhancement Fund to include bikes
Resolution No. 2020-01 - Withdrawn
the General Assembly of the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation resolves that:
2. Long Term Palliative Care Options
Resolution No. 2020-02 - Passed by Consensus
VGFN members require palliative care outside the community of Old Crow as there are no equitable services in Old Crow;
Governments do not provide long term palliative essential care;
Community members must seek full time care out of the community at a cost to them;
The cost often is not affordable due to limited incomes;
the General Assembly of the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation resolves that:
There be alternative funding provided by VGG to establish a committee to address “end of life and essential care” within 60 days of the 2020 General Assembly to be presented to Council to provide further direction.
3. Terms of Reference for Councils
Resolution No. 2020-03 - Passed by Consensus
Youth Council and Elders Council do not have terms of reference or guidelines but are recognized within the Constitution;
Discussions are highly confidential or sensitive;
There is concern with the possibility of information breaches;
the General Assembly of the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation resolves that:
Elders Council and Youth Council code of conduct include terms of reference and guidelines.
4. External Audit on VGG Administrative Structure
Resolution No. 2020-04 - Passed by Consensus
VGG lacks best practices within the government systems, processes and structure;
the General Assembly of the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation resolves that:
VGG conduct an external audit on the administrative structure of the executive and senior management;
This external audit take place within six months of the General Assembly.
5. Board and Committee Member Conduct
Resolution No. 2020-05 - Passed by Consensus
Board and committee members’ role is to represent VG Citizens in a respectful manner;
Board and committee members address VG issues and business;
the General Assembly of the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation resolves that:
VGG create processes to ensure strengthened relationships between board and committee members and community members;
VGG investigate these issues and develop processes to mitigate them orientation packages will be developed.
6. VGFN Agreement Modernization
Resolution No. 2020-06 - Passed by Consensus
VGFN has practiced its own traditional dispute resolution practices and has traditional decision-making processes;
the General Assembly of the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation resolves that:
VGG directed to look at this internally with legal advice as a first step and then meet with the parties to pursue a joint mandate with Government to pursue modernization of VGFN Final and Self
Government Agreements including but not limited to part 24 Dispute Resolution;
VGG GA directs leadership to proceed to Yukon Forum discussion on Agreements specific to Yukon.
7. Appointments to VGFN Entities
Resolution No. 2020-07 - Passed by Consensus
VGFN has trusts, corporations and development corporations it appoints Citizens to;
VGFN does not have an established appointment process;
Citizens have sat on these Vuntut entities for longer than regularly established timelines;
the General Assembly of the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation resolves that:
VGFN create an easy-to-understand guideline on VGFN entities;
VGFN create and establish an application and appointment process that considers Vuntut culture and values including youth mentorship;
VGFN create and establish an application and appointment lengths ranging from 1-4 years and a tracking system to ensure appropriate and ongoing notifications of appointments.
8. Elders Council Structure
Resolution No. 2020-08 - Passed by Consensus
The Elders Council performs an important function in our Governance as an advisory body as set out in the VGFN Constitution;
Currently the Elders Council does not have established processes and support in carrying out it’s duties;
The Elders Council would benefit from restructuring to improve its functioning;
the General Assembly of the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation resolves that:
The VGFN GA recommends Council support Elders Council with technical and financial support;
The Elders Council structure be reviewed;
Discussions will take place within 60 days of the General Assembly.
9. Dog Officer
Resolution No. 2020-09 - Withdrawn
the General Assembly of the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation resolves that:
10. Vuntut Gwitchin Governance
Resolution No. 2020-10 - Passed by Consensus
The Gwitchin have a strong way of governance;
Our traditional and cultural way of being is for all future generations;
the General Assembly of the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation resolves that:
VGG issue a public statement to both Canada and Yukon governments about the importance of respecting our nation-to-nation relationship recognizing the strength of our cultural values, traditional way of being and self-governance.
11. Spiritual Gathering for Community
Resolution No. 2020-11 - Passed by Consensus
Vuntut Gwitchin spirituality was strong in the past and needs to be strengthened again;
People are praying in different ways, and we need to be open to this;
There are different denominations of spirituality;
the General Assembly of the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation resolves that:
The community hold a spiritual gathering for the community;
The community form a representative advisory group to oversee the gathering;
The spiritual gathering would involve all types of spirituality and approach VGG for support.
12. VGFN Standing Committee Representation
Resolution No. 2020-12 - Passed by Consensus
There is a large population of VGFN beneficiaries that reside in Whitehorse, Yukon;
Cultural and traditional connection and social support is important for Citizens to feel connected to Old Crow;
VG Whitehorse Citizens deserve leadership representation in Whitehorse;
A budget is needed to provide cultural activities and social gatherings in Whitehorse;
the General Assembly of the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation resolves that:
VGFN leadership assign a Chief and Council representative to represent the Whitehorse Citizens’ interests;
VGFN Council representative will participate in providing resources.
13. VGG Program Directors to Reside in Old Crow
Resolution No. 2020-13 - Withdrawn
the General Assembly of the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation resolves that:
14. Crow Mountain Road Regulation
Resolution No. 2020-14 - Passed by Consensus
Crow Mountain is used for hiking, berry picking, dog sledding, camping, tours and gravel hauling;
The safety of our Citizens, children and dogsleds is in danger when large trucks are hauling and throwing rocks;
The schedule of trucks on the mountain road has been sporadic including evenings and weekends;
the General Assembly of the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation resolves that:
The trucks hauling on the mountain road be restricted to weekdays during work hours (7am - 5pm) so community members can enjoy the mountain after work and on weekends;
Companies operating trucks on the mountain road post hours and dates they will be hauling so other businesses can plan uses (tours, gatherings, berry picking) around the trucking schedule.
15. Crow Mountain Camps and Cabins
Resolution No. 2020-15 - Passed by Consensus
Crow Mountain is a place for all community members to enjoy;
Crow Mountain is a place of pristine wilderness;
Crow Mountain is a tourism draw for our community;
The number of permanent camps on the mountain is growing;
the General Assembly of the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation resolves that:
Community members can continue to enjoy the mountain with temporary camps and giving the land time to heal after use;
Community members can develop a community area plan considering the community issues.
16. Bylaw Enforcement
Resolution No. 2020-16 - Passed by Consensus
We have many bylaws regarding ATVs and dogs in our community;
The RCMP is unable to enforce these bylaws;
Loose dogs and unsafe ATV usage is putting community members, especially children, in danger;
the General Assembly of the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation resolves that:
VGG will hire a Bylaw Enforcement Officer who will be responsible for catching loose dogs, sending unwanted/abandoned dogs to the humane society, and fining individuals that commit bylaw infractions;
The fines collected from individuals will help cover the costs for this position and the cost for catching and sending dogs out.
17. Indoor Playground
Resolution No. 2020-17 - Passed by Consensus
We have a large number of children in Old Crow;
We have long cold winters and deep snow where young children are unable to play and run outside for long periods of time;
We have very little play equipment in the community suitable for infants, toddlers and preschoolers;
the General Assembly of the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation resolves that:
VGG seek funding from a third party to develop an indoor heated playground that is suitable for children 5 and under;
When the playground is developed it will be staffed by a recreation employee to ensure the place is clean, respected and used properly;
The indoor play space will also have a seating area and washrooms so that it could be booked for small events like children’s parties and playgroups.
18. Community Clean Up
Resolution No. 2020-18 - Passed by Consensus
The community is attempting to build a tourism industry to build our economy;
There is equipment, vehicles and materials stored all over town including the river road and people’s front yards;
Materials such as washers and driers and fridges are sitting out with the door still attached are dangerous for young children;
Areas of interest for tourists such as the old bell and downtown have become eye sores;
the General Assembly of the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation resolves that:
A set of locations be identified as places to store materials;
All appliances that are removed from houses have the doors removed and be taken to the dump immediately;
Large machinery should not be parked in the downtown area when it is not in use and the grass area in front of the church is off-limits for storing materials.
19. Youth Council
Resolution No. 2020-19 - Passed by Consensus
2020 has been declared year of the youth;
VGG has an established Youth Council;
the General Assembly of the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation resolves that:
The Youth Council lead a project with all youth to put on a community event;
VGFN develop a youth strategy in conjunction with all Vuntut Gwitchin youth.
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